Sometimes a beautiful image doesn’t reveal itself to you right away. Instead, it approaches like an apparition. At first glance you think it’s nothing, but over time it begins to grasp at your periphery. Until you can no longer deny its presence.
The longer I stare at these images from a visit to Hawaii, the more they haunt me, and the more I understand how the ancient Hawaiians could have believed in the existence of the Gods. They are not at all what one would typically envision when thinking about the Hawaiian islands, and yet to me they feel more Hawaiian than any rainbow, sunset, hula, or surf photo.

Ancient Fish Pond
Reportedly the first fish pond to have been created in ancient Hawaiian history. Still visible although no longer functional.

The Power of Water
When it rains, the

Mystical. Majestic. Malevolent. Maternal.

Pele, Hiʻiaka and Lohiahu

Abandoned Taro Patches
Hiking from the coast, heading up the mountain into the dense forest reveals what were most likely ancient taro patches, also known as Kalo – used to make poi. Which was once a main staple of the Hawaiian diet. These would have been void of trees, each walled section containing muddy patches of taro, irrigated by the nearby stream.

A huge thanks to my hānai brother Viliami, who graciously took the time out from his busy schedule to show me around. Explaining everything along the way… patiently waiting for me in the rain as I took each shot. Even loaning me his Canon 16-35mm wide angle lens, which I promptly bought for myself as soon as I returned home.
You may notice that I haven’t mentioned exactly where in Hawaii these photos were taken. This was a conscious decision to prevent the further spoiling of a region already taxed with over-tourism and the threat of gentrification.